Senco Gold Limited (“SGL”) has introduced an initiative called myDigiSilver under which SGL shall provide a digital platform to customers for the purchase, redemption and sale of the Silver.
A Customer (defined hereinafter) can by way of the Platform, purchase through a single transaction, a minimum quantity of 3(three) grams of Silver or Silver equivalent to a value of 3 (three) grams whichever is lower. The Customer Purchased Silver (defined hereinafter) shall be 99.9% pure Silver. Post receipt of the payment by the Customer, an invoice will be generated for the purchase made and the title for such relevant Customer Purchased Silver will be transferred to the Customer. Considering the Customer Purchased Silver is not being delivered, SGL will ensure that the SGL vault (defined hereinafter) holds the Customer Purchased Silver on behalf of and for the benefit of the Customer and SGL shall ensure that transfer the Customer Purchased Silver is safely and securely stored at SGL vault.
With respect to the Customer Purchased Silver, the Customer shall have the option to request for adjustment of the Customer Purchased Silver in the form of jewellery available in any of the designated SGL stores (defined hereinafter) or such other form as may be prescribed by SGL, or alternatively to sell the same to SGL on the Platform.
The mechanism being followed through the myDigiSilver platform, allows for Customers to purchase Silver from the comfort of their homes. Detailed terms of the process are provided herein below. The Customers are advised to read and understand these terms of the process carefully before using the Platform.
The Platform has been established to facilitate the transactions in the purchase, sale and transfer of the Customer Purchased Silver. The process adopted by the Platform is as indicated below:
While using the Platform, the Customer hereby undertakes the following:
The Grievance Redressal Representative hereby agrees that the grievances raised by the Customer (s) shall be duly acknowledged within 2 (two) Business Days of the receipt of such Customer grievance and the Grievance Redressal Representative shall undertake to redress all grievances raised by the Customer (s) within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the receipt of Customer grievance.
The Customer hereby agrees and acknowledges that the provisions of the following declaration are true and correct to the best of the knowledge of the Customer and shall continue to remain so during the term of the operation of the Customer Account on the Platform:
I (indicate name) in my capacity as the Customer referred hereinabove, hereby agree that all information, content, materials and services included on or otherwise made available to me through the Platform (collectively, the "Contents") are provided to the Platform on an "as is," "as available" basis, without representations or warranties of any kind. I hereby agree and acknowledge that I have read and understood the T&Cs of the Platform (including any amendments thereto) and agree that the Platform and SGL make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the Platform, the accuracy or completeness of the Contents and the accuracy of the information.
I acknowledge that the Platform and SGL shall have no responsibility for any damage to my computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any content, materials, document or information or any other losses incurred by me for use of the Platform. I hereby agree and acknowledge that SGL will not be held liable and responsible for any access delays or interruptions to the Platform. I expressly agree that the use of the Platform is at my sole risk. The Platform and SGL will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of the Platform or the Services or the Contents including, without limitation, direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, and consequential damages, unless otherwise specified in writing. to the full extent permitted by law. Further, I hereby agree and acknowledge that SGL will not be liable for any liabilities, losses and damages arising in relation to or out of the use of the Platform by me and due to events beyond the reasonable control of SGL including but not limited to viruses, system failures, malfunctions, data non delivery, data misdelivery, loss of data or corruption of data in relation to the utilisation of the Platform by me.
The Platform and SGL disclaims any and all representations and warranties with respect to the platform (or any part thereof) and its Contents, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose or use.
I further acknowledge and agrees that a failure by one or more of the commercial internet service providers may affect internet-based order entry. I hereby acknowledge that the order entry system is an electronic mechanical system and as such may be subject to failure beyond the control of the Platform and SGL. Therefore, the Platform and SGL shall not be responsible for errors, negligence, inability to execute orders, delays in transmission, delivery or execution of order due to breakdown or failure of transmission or communication facilities (including in any device used to connect to the Platform), or to any other cause beyond the Platform’s and SGL’s control or anticipation.