Account Creation Kindly put correct number for OTP
Password Creation Issue Kindly create password with strong characters
Log in Failed Kindly refresh the page and again Log In
Buy Redressal
Buy myDigiSilver - Otp Generation Issue (Registration) Contact Customer Care for Assistance
18001030017 (Toll Free)
Customer Address Details Related Issue- State & Union Territory not Added
Silver rate not updated based on various figures (Amount/Weight)
Customer profile details not captured
Payment Related Issues - A. Payment Failed || B. Payment Success, Order Confirmed, SMS Received but Invoice copy not received by Email
Sell Redressal
Sell myDigiSilver - OTP Generation Issue Contact Customer Care for Assistance
18001030017 (Toll Free)
Sell successful - but SMS & Email not received
Sell successful, SMS & Email received but payment not processed neither got SMS regarding the estimated timeline
Payment not credited into Customer Bank/Wallet Account
Silver balance not settled in myDigiSilver Account
Redeem Redressal
Ref ID Not generated Contact Customer Care for Assistance
18001030017 (Toll Free)
Ref ID Generated but SMS Not received
OTP Not generated
OTP Generated but Ref ID Not valid
Differential amount pushed from POS but not showing in myDigiSilver
Transaction Failure from POS but Success in myDigiSilver Site
MISC Redressal
Buy/Sell tab option not functioning Contact Customer Care for Assistance
18001030017 (Toll Free)
Site Down Time
Site Refresh Issue
Site Speed
Live Silver Rate